
Changes in Dietary Fiber Intake in Japan


Division of Food Science, The National Institute ofHealth and Nutrition

Many data on the dietary fiber intake of theJapanese population have been reported. However, some of them areespecially meager because of incompletion in dietary fiber tables.Recently the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan -DietaryFiber- was published by the Science and Technology Agency.Utilizing the Standard Tables and data from the National Surveys ofNutrition, I have estimated the dietary fiber intake of theJapanese population. I have compared my results with otherestimations of the dietary fiber intake in the literature and alsodiscussed the chronological changes in the intake in Japan and thebasic descriptive data on the intake.
My estimation demonstrates that until the early to mid-1960s, theintake of the Japanese population was over the recommended intakeof dietary fiber (20-25g/day as an adult). However, thereafter theintake has gradually decreased and reached to approximately16g/day/capita in 1990s. The intake correlated well with age and inyounger generations the intake was very low, approximately half ofthe recommended intake.
Key words: dietary fiber intake, dietary fiber table.
