
Searching for the Definition, Terminology andClassification of Dietary Fiber and the New Proposal from Japan

Shuhachi KIRIYAMA(Chairman)1, KiyoshiEBIHARA2, Sachie IKEGAMI3, SatoshiINNAMI(Drafts member)4, Yoko KATAYAMA5, andFumiyuki TAKEHISA6

The Working Committee for the Definition, Terminology andClassification of Dietary Fiber, Japanese Association for DietaryFiber Research.

1School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University ofShizuoka
2Department of Biological Resources, EhimeUniversity
3Department of Food Science, Otsuma Women'sUniversity
4Departmenl of Applied Biology and Chemistry, TokyoUniversity of Agriculture
5Department of Health and Nutrition, Gifu Women 'sUniversity
6Department of Food and Nutrition, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University

 The present review refers to the proposal forresolving the confusion on concept of dietary fiber in the world.The working committee established by Japanese Association forDietary Fiber Research (JDF) in 1997 first overviewed the changesof discussions on the definition, terminology and classification ofdietary fiber conducted in different countries since 1972. Furtherreviewing has been carried out concerning the physiologicalsignificance and classification of new indigestible substancesappearing year by year with the proceedings of the researches inthis field.
 Based on the discussions, the committee members agreed that theterm dietary fiber is Inappropriate as a term which covers allindigestible components. The luminacoids was designed, as acomprehensive term that covers all such components, includingdietary fiber in the conventional meaning. This comprehensiveterminology should be classified into starch and non-starchcomponents. Dietary fiber is a major component of non-starchsubstances and can be sub-classified into polysaccharides andlignin, Thus, the definition of luminacoids is proposed asfollows: dictary components which are not digested and/or absorbedin the human small intestine and which exert physiological effectthat are useful in maintaining good heaith via the gastrointestinaltract
