
Effects of Dietary Fiber on the Function of theUpper Gastrointestinal Tract

Seiichiro AOE

Department of Food Science, Faculty of Home Economics, OtsumaWomen's University

 In the present paper, I summarize the datasuggesting the effects of dietary fiber on the function of theupper gastrointestinal tract. The chemical and physical propertiesof dietary fibers are associated with gastrointestinal functionsthat have illrlportant metabolic implications for health. Bothproperties of dietary fiber include viscosity, bulking capacity andfermentability. These properties are associated with morphologicalchanges, crypt cell production, intestinal mucin secretion, theactivity of small intestinal brush border enzymes andgastrointestinal peptides (gut hormones). A variety of experimentalmethod will lead to different observations. This discrepancy may bedue to the level and type of fiber added. Further studies areneeded to establish the effect of human gastrointestinal tract bythe adequate experimental conditions. It is also expected thatthese observation are adopted to the clinical nutrition such asprevention of metabolic syndrome, parenteral nutrition, and gutdisease.

Key words: gastrointestinal function, morphological changes, cryptcell production, mucin, gastrointestinal peptides
