Research Note

Improving Effects of Galactosylsucrose-containingCookies on
Intestinal Microflora and Defecation in Middle-aged Males

Kazuto SATO3,4 and Ikuko EZAWA3

1Institute for Consumer Healthcare, YamanouchiPharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
2Research on Fine Chemicals, Bio Research Corporation ofYokohama
3Depertment of Food and Nutrition, Japan Women

Effects of ingestion of LS-cookies containinggalactosylsucrose (LS) were investigated on microflora, defecation,and fecal condition in 5 healthy middle-aged male volunteers, andcompared with those of placebo cookies. The subjects were givenfour pieces of placebo cookies (total 48g, without LS) daily for 7days (control phase), then given four pieces of LS-cookies (total48g, LS 4g) daily for 10 days. The ratio of beneficial microbes,Bifidobacteria, to anaerobes was significantly increased from 14.0%to 34.6% (p<0.05), and the ratio of harmful microbes,Bacteroidaceae, decreased but not signigicant by the ingestion ofLS-cookies as compared with the ingestion of placebo cookies. Sincenone of them were constipated, the number of days with defecationper week did not changed by LS-cookies ingestion. Fecal volumetended to increase, and hardness feeling of defecation wassignificantly improved (p<0.05) by the ingestion of LS-cookiesas compared with those of placebo cookies. These resultsdemonstrate that the ingestion of cookies (48g) containinggalactosylsucrose (4g) promotes the proliferation of beneficialintestinal microbes, and improves fecal condition such as volumeand hardness feeling in middle-aged males.

Key Words : galactosylsucrose, cookies, microflora, fecalcondition
