
Effects of Indigestible Dextrin on PostprandialRise
in Blood Glucose Levels in Man

Seiki NANBU2 and Akira MATSUOKA3

1Matsutani Chemical Industry Company Ltd.
2Hyogo Institute of Clinical Research
3Hyogo College of Medicine, Department of Patho!ogy

We examined the effects of indigestibledextrin(IDex) on both blood glucose and insulin responses to thevarious sugar loadings in the healthy subjects. Moreover, weconducted a study of the test-meal ingestion in order to evaluatethe efficacy of IDex on postprandial rise in blood glucose levels.The results are summarized as follows : 1) IDex reduced the risesin both plasma glucose and insulin levels after sucrose loading.Although TDex had no effect on rises in plasma glucose levels,insulin levels both after glucose and maltodextrin loadings werereduced by IDex. 2) The postprandial blood glucose level afteringestion of the test-meal-1 (Japanesc noodle and rice:carbohydrate 104.2g and 565kcal) was rapidly increased, on thecontrary that after thc tcst-meal-2 (sweet roll: carbohydrate 137.2g and 553kcal) was gradually increased. In ingestion of both thetest-meals, IDex showed the remarkable reducing effect on rises inblood glucose levels.

Key words: indigestible dextrin, soluble dietary fiber,postprandial blood glucose levels, insulin
