総 説


腸内細菌情報オフィス 森下 芳行


This review described the defmitionof pro-and prebiotics, and their functions and problems to besolved. Probiotics and prebiotics are functional Foods, whichadjust the function and balance of intestinal microflora to be morebeneficial and less risky to health. Probiotics in a viable formsuppress the metabolism or population of harmful bacteria.Prebiotics are indigestible and fermentable oligosaccharides andpolysaccharides including dietary fibers that are stimulators togrowth of beneficial intestinal bacteria and consequently suppressthe growth or metabolism of harmful bacteria. Probiotics sometimessupply with themselves the deficient or abnormal intestinalmicroflora that appear during and after the chemotherapeutictreatment, and correct an abnormal balance of the microflora inpremature infants and elderly persons. The intestinal microfloramay be hypothesized to consist of different bacteraial networks,which are not always in intact form. Probiotic bacteria supplementor activate the intestinal bacterial network with defects inrespect of population level or metabolic activity. In this contextintestinal bacteria other than bifidobacteria and lactic acidbacteria may be also candidates for probiotic bacteria. Prebioticsactivate the bacterial metabolism and increase the population ofthe specific bacterial species to result in the satisfaction of thebacterial network beneficial to health. Pro-and prebiotics will befurthermore anticipated in future in maintenance or improvement ofthe human life without risk or with risk to health, respectively.

Key words: Hyaluronic Acid, Muscle protein, ATPase, PreventiveEffect, Frozen Storage
