Research Note

Effects of Lactobacillus Beverage ContainingGalactosylsucrose on
Defecation in Healthy Female Students with ConstipationTendencies

Yasuhiro TOSHIMORI1,MasaruYONEYAMA1,Masanori AKIBA1,NoriyukiSAITOH2, Kiyoshi NAKAJIMA3,MegumiKUBOTA4,and Hideaki TSUJI4

1Products Research and Development Laboratory,H+B LlfeScienceCo.,Ltd.
2Research and Development Center,Hayashibara BiochemicalLaboratories Inc.
3Zenkoku Tsukinotomo No Kai Co .,Ltd.
4Department of Nutritional Science,Faculty of Health andWelfare Sciences,Okayama Prefectural university

 A Iactobacillus beverage containing galactosylsucrose(LS) wasin gested by healthy female students with
constiopation tendencies, and its influence on the defecation andfecal conditions were investigated.The test was
conducted in five periodical stages.First,the subjects were allowedto ingest a lactobacillus beverage free of LS
everyday for aweek (Control period), and then for the next oneweek,the subjects were not allowed to ingest any
lactobacillus beverages. Following the washout perid, the subjectswere allowed to Ingest a lactobacillus beverage
containing LS(2.5g) everyday for continuous two weeks(LSIW and LS2Wperiods), and then for the next one week,
the subjects were not allowed to ingest any lactobacillusbeverages. During the LS ingestion periods, defecation times
and days are increased significantly(P<0.05) and fecal form arealso improved significantly(p<0
