報 文


島田美樹子1*,横山真由美2,永野伸郎3,4,伊藤恭子 2,安藤哲郎5,小川哲也4,大塚邦明4,安藤義孝1,2,3,5

1医療法人社団日高会 日高リハビリテーション病院 栄養課
2医療法人社団日高会 平成日高クリニック 透析科
3医療法人社団日高会 日高学術研究センター
4東京女子医科大学 東医療センター内科
5医療法人社団日高会 日高病院 人工透析・移植外科

This pilot study was conducted to examine the effects of a newly-developed jelly containing polydextrose on hyperglycemia and defecation frequency in diabetic patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis (DM-HD patients). DM-HD patients on insulin were orally given the jelly containing 7 g of polydextrose twice a day at meal times for 4 or 12 weeks. Postprandial blood glucose levels were significantly decreased after a 4 week-treatment with the jelly, compared with levels before treatment started. Random blood glucose and HbA1c levels were significantly decreased after 12 weeks treatment with the jelly. In addition, increased defecation frequency was observed during the ingestion period of the jelly. The patients’ preferences questionnaire did not show any noticeable problems with long-term ingestion of the jelly. Taken together, these findings suggest a new treatment option for the control of blood glucose and defecation in DM-HD patients.
Key words ; Diabetes Mellitus, Dietary fiber, Hemodialysis, Hyperglycemia, Polydextrose
