

下村吉治1,長崎 大2,松尾昌幸1,前田 憲1,村上太郎1,佐藤 寿一3,佐藤祐造2


 We examined the effect of polydextrose on levelsof plasma glucose and serum insulin concentrations in the glucosetolerance tests using healthy, non-diabetic Japanese male andfemale volunteers (22-49 years old) as subjects. The carbohydratesource used in the test was 50 g glucose or 106 g bread(corresponding to 5O g carbohydrate). The subjects that were fastedovernight ingested the carbohydrate with or without 14 gpolydextrose. When polydextrose was ingested with the carbohydrate,the increases in plasma glucose and serum insulin concentrations inthe tolerance tes. ts tended to be suppressed. The area under curvefor plasma glucose was significantly decreased by the polydextroseingestion: 28% and 35% decreases for the glucose and the breadingestion tests, res pectivcey, compared to those of cach control.These results suggest a potential of polydextrose to decrease theglycemic indcx of carbohydrates.

Key words: polydextrose, glucose tolerance test, plasma glucose.scruminsulin, humans
