総 説


奥 恒行

県立長崎シーボルト大学 大学院人間健康科学研究科

 Dietary reference intakes (2005) for Japanese wereestablished instead of 6th edition Dietary Allowance in November.2004. DRls were prepared as the objects of health promotion,primary prevention of lifestyie-related diseases and prevention ofdetriment'al effects by over-intake for individual and population.The tentative dietary goal of dietary fiber was 10g/1000 kcal forpreventing lifestyle-related diseases for Japanese. although thedefinition and analytical method of dietary fiber was differentfrom country to country. The definition of dietary fiber used inDRIs (2005) was the non-digestible food components which are notdigested by human digestive enzymes.

Keyword: 食物繊維,食物繊維の食事摂取基準,日本人の食事摂取基準,栄養所要量,食物繊維の目標量
